
Results of the first call for proposals for the purchase of reagents for the Global Impact Alliance's science teams

Today, on Russian Science Day, we would like to announce the teams and projects to which reagents will be purchased and delivered.

The Foundation's expert council has taken a careful approach to assessing and analysing applications - the most promising developments have been selected, the purchase of reagents for which will be an important step for their further growth and the development of medicine in general in the field of autoimmune, oncological, cardiovascular and infectious diseases.

We are ready to announce 15 projects:

1) Dr. Lev Vadimovich Brylev, IHNA and Neurophysiology of RAS
Project: development of new approaches to therapy of autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system.

2) Dr. Maxim Nikitin, MIPT.
Project: development of new methods of drug delivery systems

3) Mullaev Murad Dovletovich, Dmitriy Rogachev Research Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Project: study of SDF1a/CXCR4 chemotaxis inhibitors to obtain a new drug to treat cancer

4) Dina Stepanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Russian National Research Medical University
Project: search for pharmacological compounds for therapy of neurofibromatosis type 2

5) Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor Elena Klen, BSMU, Ministry of Health of Russia
Project: development of synthetic blockers of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa for treatment of thrombosis.

6) Svetlana Vorotnikova, National Research Institute of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health of Russia
Project: Identification of early predictors of infertility development in women.

7) Candidate of Biology Denis Kuzmin, MIPT.
Project: creation of a technological platform for the development of new therapies for inherited diseases.

8) Vadim Nikitushkin, Ph.
Project: development of approaches to improve the "discoverability" of microbes in human biological samples

9) Dr. Liya Germanovna Kondratyeva, IBM RAS
Project: study of genetic regulatory processes of metastasis for development of anticancer therapy

10) Sagila Aladdinovna Novikova, Dubna State University
Project: development of a system for rapid diagnosis of especially dangerous infections using quantum dots

11) Doctor of Biology, Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of Skoltech Dmitry Chudakov, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Institute of Biochemical Chemistry RAS
Project: study of specificities of T-cell receptors in autoimmune diseases

12) Kondratyeva Sofia Alekseevna, IBM RAS
Project: study of intratumor immune interactions and possibility of their modulation by gene therapy

13) Dr. Alexander Vasilevsky, IBC RAS
Project: selective potassium channel blockers for treatment of autoimmune diseases

14) Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nikolay Suslov, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Ph.
Project: development of drug for treatment of infectious diseases associated with formation of microfilms.

15) Dr.-Ms. Alexey Orlov, IOF RAS
Project: development of a test-system for early detection of acute myocardial infarction

Thanks to everyone who supports science through our charity, the Global Impact Alliance.

You are bringing the future closer!
2022-02-08 12:19